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Our Mission: Decentralized The Centralized, Costly, Aerospace Ecosystem

Our Proposal: Creating Opportunities For All, Nurtured By And Partnered With Key Players In The Industry.

Create Value

Goods and service monetization opportunities for players in the marketplace. All through the PLYA token, LANDs, and ASSETS.


Build partnerships and products, with Mentors sharing their insights and expertise to launch you further.


InnoPlaya will be governed by participants using DAO. $PLYA is a governance token, allowing holders to participate in InnoPlaya decisions

Aerospace Community

Corporates can source vetted deal flow, and Investors can source curated deal flow.

Our Solution: Creating opportunities for all


Vetted Deal Flow
Access Emerging Technologies & Talent
Targeted Open Innovation
Mentoring Opportunities


Source curated deal flow
De-risk investment.
Gain market insights


Test Solutions
Raise Funds
Recruit Talent
Connect with Industry Experts & Mentors

Strategic Partners